Tail of WhalePamilacan Island Whale and Dolphin Watching Tours
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Links to Related Websites

World Wildlife Fund - Philippines: a very neatly made website on wild-life in the Philippines.

Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society: the extensive website of the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society, based in the United Kingdom.

Whale Net: discussion forum on whales. Read this article by Joselino Baritua on the Forum.

Whaleguide: guide to whales and whalewatching world-wide. Our tours are also mentioned here.

Dolphin Ear: website dealing in underwater microphones (hydrophones) with extensive information on dolphin whatching. We are listed here as well.

Infohub The Specialty Travel Guide with all kinds of adventurous travel destinations.

The Gesellschaft zur Rettung der Delphine has a lot of information on the protection of dolphins (in German).

Wild Philippines: Your Adventure-Travel Destination.

Bohol.ph: portal web site with all kinds of information on Bohol.